About the author

There’s nothing much to say about me; I’m a Journalism with Creative Writing graduate based in Leicester with a strong passion for video gaming.

In my twenty-two years on this planet I have been gaming for a large amount of it and have come across both great games, bad games and ones that are in-between. I am a pretty lax gamer, I take an interest in a vast amount of genres out there and try to actually play/watch a game first before forming an opinion whether it is actually good or bad.

An example of a few game series I really enjoy are: Final Fantasy,  Pokémon, Legend of Zelda, Star Fox, Sonic the Hedgehog, Metal Gear Solid, Kingdom Hearts and many, many more.

E-mail – jamesdhurst03@gmail.com

Facebook – http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=1014169864&sk=wall

Twitter – Foo_Gamer

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