About GRG

DLC? Accessories? Upgrades? You want it? It’s yours, my friend, as long as you have enough rupees.

Welcome to Green Rupee Gamer, the blog for frugal and savvy gamers alike!

Here at Green Rupee Gamer you will find reviews on cheap games spanning from old classics to new adventures. Before you ask, no, this blog is not solely dedicated to the Legend of Zelda series despite both the introduction to this page and the site name being references to the epic series; instead the aim here is to help all you avid button-pressers keep a tight hold on that which magically seems to vanish at a fast rate from our piggy banks.

As we all know video gaming can be a very expensive hobby; with the amount of consoles out now, the accessories you can get for them and the DLC (downloadable content) it can be quite daunting at how fast your money seems to plummet, especially if you are a student.

Be a frugal moogle like me, kupo!

As an avid gamer, someone who wishes to go into the video game journalism industry and a former university student I know the importance of saving money for gaming.

So if your Rupee Wallet (another Zelda reference?!) is starting to become empty and show only a few green and not the red, purple and orange (or even gold if your wealthy enough) that you wish you did have then this is the place for you. Even if your wallet is full to bursting though don’t go anywhere, there is no harm in being as frugal as a moogle with your earnings.

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